
Day 9: Life in the EGRIP camp
Short work update: Today we had many problems in the firn air camp, and could only sample one level instead of the three that we had planned. We did solve some of these problems, which is hopefully good for the next days, but still everyone is rather disappointed… But I wanted to write today about…
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Day 8: Firn sampling continues
Today was a “white day” with very little contrast. A lot of the day you could not distinguish earth from sky.
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Day 7: First firn air samples collected!!!
Fortunately I had quite a good night after the exhausting day yesterday. Well, I did wake up at 2 am and needed to go to the toilet, which is not particularly nice when it is -23ºC outside (-30ºC with windchill) because the toilet is in a small tent outside…. But after that I really slept…
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Day 6: Preparation of the firn air site
This will be a very short blog, since I am very tired. I did not sleep very well the first night, and got up at 6:15, and we have worked very hard physically the entire day to set up the firn air site. In the beginning it was a lot of fun, but it became…
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Day 5: On the ice sheet
Finally I am in the EGRIP camp! We had a fascinating flight to the ice sheet. Everyone was excited when w e were picked up and driven up to the airport where the aircraft was waiting for us. We left Kangerlussuaq around 9:30, again a happy moment after 4 days of waiting. In the Hercules…
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Day 4: Flight preparations and preparations of firn air sampling
If everything is going to plan, our plane should take off tomorrow at 9 am to bring us to the EGRIP camp. Weather is perfect, -20C right now and clear sky, but of course it can change. Let’s hope that this time it will go through. If not we may come into serious problems, since…
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Day 3: What is this all about?
Today we packed all our luggage on big aircraft pallets that will go into the C130 Hercules, which will hopefully bring us soon to the ice sheet. Everyone was excited and ready to take off tomorrow, but then we heard in the afternoon that we will still not have a transfer flight tomorrow. The temperature…
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Day 2: Waiting in Kangerlussuaq
The weather situation in the EGRIP camp has not improved. A bubble of warm air is hanging over Greenland, and temperatures have even increased (between -7ºC and -1ºC at the camp today). In addition visibility is low and there has been quite some snowfall at EGRIP so the landing strip for the aircraft is not prepared….
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Day 1: Travel to Kangerlussuaq
I had to get up early this morning to catch my flight at 7 am from Amsterdam via Copenhagen to Kangerlussuaq, a city on the western side of Greenland. In Copenhagen I already met other people from our team that will stay with me at the EGRIP camp. One of them is Ernst Jan Kuiper,…
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My trip to the Greenland Ice Sheet June 2018
Today is the last day before leaving for a field trip to Greenland. I will not visit the places that visitors of Greenland usually go to, but stay for about 3 weeks in a camp in the middle of the Greenland ice sheet. together with an international group of scientists as part of the East…
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